About Me

I am a young Raspberry Pi, coding, electronics and robotics enthusiast, and I have a rare bone condition called MHE, or HME, which means I get chronic pain and fatigue. I want to help other people, especially kids like me, to get into technology and free themselves from the burdens of living with any kind of physical or mental health problem or disability.

When I first heard of a Raspberry Pi - a computer you build yourself - I thought it sounded awesome! I got one for my birthday, and then spent lots of time playing around on scratch, a block-based programming tool. Then, for my next birthday, I got a sense-hat, which has multicoloured LEDs, sensors, a joystick, and more, and started getting really into physical computing - coding electronics.

Soon, I was getting the MagPi magazine, and really delving into all the possibilities of Raspberry Pi, Micro:Bit, and Arduino. I made lots and lots of gadgets, some just for fun, some with real purpose - you can read about some of these on my projects page. Also, I attended the Exeter Raspberry Jam - a community meet-up event about Raspbery Pis - every now and then, but living in Bridport, it was a long drive. So, me and some friends decided to set up a Raspberry Jam in Bridport, our town! You can find out more at our website here: https://bridportraspberryjam.wordpress.com. However, it's not just Bridport and Exeter that have jams. It's all over the country too! Check out https://www.raspberrypi.org/jam/ for more info!